Rose Dieta

🌹 5-Week Group Plant Spirit Immersion to deepen with and learn from the Spirit of Rose. 🌹

Rose is a nurturing medicine, offering support and gentle protection as you seek balance and joy while navigating life’s ups and downs.

Dieting with Rose in this group container offers accountability and supports opening the heart, fostering self-love, developing boundaries, and cultivating more connection, compassion and love -- especially needed now when everyone could use more of each.

Registration Closed

In this 5-week group dieta starting October 7th, you will:

  • Open the Rose Dieta and Enter the Rose Temple to embrace and embody the rose spirit in all her forms: from bud to full bloom to rose hip.
  • Learn how to connect to and receive the subtle energies of Plant Spirits, enabling you to deepen your bond with Rose and ALL plants.
  • Cultivate more: equanimity with life, presence in the moment, acceptance of what is, and love and compassion for self and others.
  • Blossom in your full spectrum of self expression so you can live your true path and be of more service to humanity.
  • Receive guidance, accountability, community connection, and support so you get the most out of, and stay engaged in, this transformational dieta process.
  • Embody your divine femininity (regardless of your gender) and radiate a softer, sensual beauty.
  • Learn from Rose to stand strong in your power, call forth a wild feminine energy, and ignite your innate creativity.
  • Feel the sweetness of Rose as a powerful companion, helping to open the heart, promote happiness and harmony, while fostering a sense of peace, warmth, love and emotional flow in the heart.
  • Reflect in community and Integrate the Medicine and Wisdom of Rose so you carry it forward into your sacred incarnation on planet Earth.

What's included:

  • 4 x Live Group Zoom Calls with Kat & Beth: opening circle; accountability, community connection & support calls; closing ceremony (4 x 60-80 min calls)
  • In-Depth "Soft" Dieta & Plant Spirit Connection Guidance & Accountability
  • Deep Dive Guided Meditations and Channeled Activations
  • Heart Opening Embodiment Exercises, Sacred Rituals, Sacred Boundary Activations
  • Dive into the Mysteries of the Many Faces of Rose
  • Inspiring Prompts for Journaling and deepening connection to rose and plant spirits
  • Easy Herbal Medicine Preparation
  • Thematic Recordings & Playlists
  • Recommended sources of rose products including some affordable rose bundle options hand-crafted by vetted herbalists & medicine women who created bundles of their best organic rose medicines for our dieta.

Your Guides

Kat Gordon

Plant Spirit Guide

Kat is a folk herbalist and sacred ritual weaver who immerses herself in alternative wellness practices, nature based rituals, yogic philosophy, plant and human consciousness. Kat has been in relationship with sacred ancestral medicines for over 13 years. Her path includes deep dive studies, master plant dietas and vivencias with different traditions in the Amazon Rainforest. Her offerings are informed by both the Andean and Amazonian cosmovision and the guidance of original wisdom holders. Kat walks the path of the Wise Woman: communing with nature, ancient earth wisdom and the subtler realms. Her passion is rooting individuals into their own unique wisdom so that all may blossom in their souls and unique life paths.

Beth Weinstein

Spiritual Business Coach & Gaian Spirit Guide

Beth helps current and aspiring coaches, healers, therapists, psychedelic pioneers and spiritual leaders align with your soul's path and grow your business so you can help more people, share Your Unique Medicine, and have a successful transformational business you love. She has over 30 years experience working with psychedelics and entheogenic plant medicines. She has dieted with many master plants from the depths of the Peruvian Amazon jungle to those growing on her land. She's a beekeeper, gardener, herbal medicine and flower essence maker, and a devoted servant to Gaia. A few years ago, her heart was blown open during this same Rose Dieta led by Kat, who is also her former client and assistant coach in her True Path Entrepreneur Group Mastermind Program.


What is a Dieta?

Dieta is an immersion with the spirit of a plant. The "Dieta" comes from the South American, Amazonian healing traditions. It's an immersive container where one opens to learn and heal directly through the guidance of a master plant. Nearly every ancient culture practiced similar initiations with local herbs, trees, flowers and shrubs that were known to be powerful spirits and guides, each one opening different universal and individualized teachings and messages.

What is a Rose Dieta?

This particular dieta is an immersion with the spirit of Rose. We will give guidance around what to do and not to do, and how to better connect to plant spirits, during this "soft" dieta. This "soft" dieta is less strict than a traditional dieta and is a great first dieta for those who've not previously dieted with a plant. You will be able to live your life as you do. There are a few suggestions we give for what to eliminate to enhance your connection to Rose.

Does this involve any psychedelics?

You will NOT be instructed to work with any psychedelic plants during this dieta - no psychedelics necessary! Although you are free to work with entheogenic plant/fungi medicines during it (we will give guidance around this).

How does this group dieta work?

This is a online group rose dieta. When you sign up, you'll get immediate access to The Rose Temple portal where all of the teachings, meditations and other content to support your journey will be hosted.

Additionally, you'll get LIVE guidance, accountability and support from Kat and Beth during our 4 live group calls (about 60-80 mins each) where we guide you though the process of dieting with the Rose medicine and integrating her into your field.

How much time will this take me? How do I work this into my day-to-day life?

If you have time to drink a cup of coffee/tea most days, you'll have time for this rose dieta! We give you guidance for working with Rose in your regular daily life and we will encourage you to take a some time out for some of the practices.

How much does this cost?

This Rose Dieta is typically offered at $600-$1800. We are offering this particular journey for a very accessible *Pay-What-You-Feel* suggested investment ranging from $88 (minimum) to $333 or above. We ask you are honest with yourself when you invest what you'd like to...are you able to pay a little more so we can make this accessible to more people? What's the price of one night out worth to you for a potentially life-changing experience?

Are there any extra investments I will need to make?

At minimum, you'll need some rose tea or roses to make tea, and ideally acquire some rose petals. For a deeper journey, we will recommend you consider purchasing one of the rose bundle options. We will give suggestions for other ways you can deepen with Rose.

When are the calls? Does it affect my dieta if I can't make it to all the calls?

Our Zoom calls will take place on October 7th (opening), October 17th, October 25th (check-in/support) & November 4th (closing). ALL calls will be recorded if you miss any. Your dieta will not be affected if you miss any calls. All group calls are optional, but of course the community would love you there!

Why Rose?

Rose is a one of the highest vibrational plants on the planet and the matriarch of the gentle feminine healing plants, accessible to all of us. Doesn't that sound like some much needed Medicine For These Times?

Why do this rose dieta with us now? (Beth's vision...)

Over the past year, Beth received multiple direct messages from sacred plants to partner with Kat (a collaborator, her former client, and current Group Mastermind Program assistant coach) to offer a Rose Dieta during the weeks before the 2024 US election. The vision was to call on rose to help tfoster more unity, understanding and compassion during a highly activating time. The dream is that, one day, "the masses" will open their hearts an co-create a world where humanity and all sentient could live in harmony and unity, despite all their differences. Don't worry - there will be no politics discussed during our calls. :-) Our final call is on the day before Election Day.

When will you offer this dieta again? Will it ever cost this little again?

Kat occasionally offers her Rose Dieta as a 1-1 private offering or self-paced online course, which is typically $600-$1800. We are offering this only right now at a very accessible investment to be in service to the greater good of all at this particular time. We have no plans to offer this again.

Why join this community Rose Dieta?

  • Rose helps you embrace and process all feelings, creating space for well-being and harmony in body, mind and spirit. By integrating all that arises, you cultivate more balance and well-being in all aspects of your life's journey.
  • The sweetness of Rose is a powerful companion, helping to open the heart, promote happiness and harmony, while fostering a sense of peace, warmth, love and emotional flow in the heart.
  • We are offering this only now at a very accessible investment to be in service to the greater good of all at this particular potent time on Earth.
  • Wouldn't you agree that these transformational times call for more compassion, love, balance and boundaries? If not now, when?


"I feel my heart continue to open as I walk the path of beauty with my feet firmly on the ground falling even more in love with life everyday... I have embodied a richer connection to my own strength and softness."

"Journeying with Rose was so powerfully beautiful. Within this sacred container I was guided deeply into the full spectrum wisdom of what Rose freely offers to us all. It was so wonderful to receive this high integrity support and guidance as I traversed the mystical and physical planes of Rose’s great teachings and medicine. Through it all I have embodied a richer connection to my own strength and softness with the gained support of the entire ancestral rose lineage of past, present and future.  I feel my heart continue to open as I walk the path of beauty with my feet firmly on the ground falling even more in love with life everyday.  I am so grateful for this experience! " - Janelle

"Rose continues to guide me to feel more connected, to myself, and to all other life around me. I’m more aware of myself being alive, being human. I feel like I have the essential tools to recognize when and how set boundaries, be more discerning, be more compassionate, and be more expressive. I am forever grateful for my Rose Dieta experience and for my newfound loving relationship with Rose!" - Marla

"I am finished meditating and still a bit blown away by her messages and feelings in my body... I set out on this journey with such naivety and emerge in tears of the boundless forces we can access." - Anonymous

Sign up below to join our community journey!

Registration Closed

Please join sooner vs. later so you can prepare for the dieta. Registration closes in:
