You Are The Medicine:
Free 3-Part Business Training

Get Clarity and Overcome Blocks + Imposter Syndrome So You Can Share More of Your Unique Medicine

Session 1: Thursday, Oct 17 @ 6pm ET

Session 2: Monday, Oct 21 @ 8pm ET

Session 3: Wednesday, Oct 23 @ 6pm ET

Sign up below to attend for free:

(If you can’t make it to the live sessions, you will get a replay as long as you sign up!)

Session by Session, This is What You’ll Learn…

Session 1: Clarity

  • Discover how to get clarity and know what your business looks like
  • Learn how to bring together ALL your different modalities and passions into one clear offering
  • Be walked through a simple process to create, price and package a clear offer that allows you to feel confident in what you're bringing to the world
  • Learn the first steps to make your vision a reality WITHOUT complicated technology, a website, or spending tons of money
  • Connect with your inner clarity and True Path so you move forward despite feeling "imposter syndrome"
  • Follow a simple process to align with your heart, soul's purpose, and True Path

Session 2: Confidence & Connection

  • Discover how to connect with your heart, soul and inner authority and finally feel confident that you’re qualified to help the people you want to (Hint: you do not need another certification or more training!)
  • You'll learn easy ways to connect with ideal clients...yes, even WITHOUT ANY SOCIAL MEDIA (!)
  • Learn how to connect with your ideal clients in an authentic, real way that feels aligned and in integrity with you and your values
  • You'll leave with simple hacks to get past your blocks and out of your way to stop procrastinating and start working from inspired action!

Session 3: Communication & Getting Clients

  • If you don't know how to explain what exactly is that you do, do not miss this.
  • You'll get clear on where to find potential clients, and how to connect to them (without spending a dime or having a website!)
  • Learn to effectively communicate so you attract in your ideal clients and they understand how YOU are the one who can help them!
  • You'll get a mix of both the practical, zero-cost business steps (masculine) along with the "woo” spiritually-based support (feminine) that you need for a successful, sustainable, soul-centered business.
  • Feel good about sharing about "your unique medicine" in an authentic, aligned way that's true to your values and the transformation you want to co-create in the world.

Past Client Testimonials

Beth Weinstein Group Mastermind Program Testimonial
Beth Weinstein Group Mastermind Program Testimonial

These potent transformational times on Earth are asking you to step up, get out of your way, and be a greater conduit for transformation and co-creating "a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible".

So what stops you?

If you want to do more of what your soul is calling you to do, now is the best time to learn how.

Join us at this live, interactive masterclass at no cost:

(Don’t worry if you can’t make it live-as long as you sign up, you’ll get the recordings so you can catch anything you missed!)

Imagine what your life would be like with a soulful business that supports you and makes a difference in the lives of others?

A business that aligns with your soul and your spiritual path, expedites your personal development, helps people, supports you financially and leaves you free time to enjoy life, travel and be with loved ones?

It is possible. I've done it. My clients have done it. And, yes, so can you.

I'll share the simple steps and walk you through interactive exercises that will activate you into inspired action in this FUN, free business training!

Beth Weinstein - spiritual business coach

You Are The Medicine: Soul-Centered Business Training

Session 1: Thursday, Oct 17th @ 6pm ET / 3pm PT

Session 2: Monday, Oct 21st @ 8pm ET / 5pm PT

Session 3: Wednesday, Oct 23rd @ 6pm ET / 3pm PT

Join us below at no cost:

(Don’t worry if you can’t make it live. Just by registering, you’ll get the recording so you can catch anything you missed!)

Meet Your Guide, Beth Weinstein

Hi, I'm Beth.

If you dream of having a purpose-based, spiritual business and embracing a life of freedom, fulfillment and fun, I offer a unique, multi-dimensional approach…

I’m a spiritual business coach helping newer and aspiring psychedelic pioneers, coaches, healers, therapists, spiritual teachers, and similar transformational leaders align with your purpose and grow your business so you make your living doing what you love while making a difference in the world.

If you dream of having a purpose-based, spiritual business and embracing a life of freedom, fulfillment and fun, I offer a unique, multi-dimensional approach.

Copyright 2024-25 © Beth A. Weinstein · All Rights Reserved